Monofloor UK has achieved registration to the latest occupational health & safety standard, ISO 45001:2018, following a successful audit by BSI. 

Monofloor previously held OHSAS 18001:2007 accreditation for health & safety management, since January 2018.  ISO 45001 standard has the same core aim of reducing unacceptable risks and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved in an organization’s activities – however, the scope of the new standard is broader.  It requires companies to also consider how suppliers and contractors manage risk, and to integrate health and safety management with their other management systems.

Monofloor UK has held ISO 9001 quality management registration for eleven years, and in 2017 updated its registration to the latest standard.  At the same time, it also achieved registration to ISO 14001:2015 environmental management.  Attaining ISO 45001 now positions the company as a triple-accredited organisation, operating to three highly-respected world-class management standards.

The project to achieve Monofloor’s triple registration was co-ordinated by Laurance Williams, Project Manager at RCR, Monofloor’s parent group.  “ISO 45001 puts health and safety at the heart of a business’s operations,” he commented.  “We have worked hard to ensure that all RCR’s operations in the UK are aligned to the latest international ISO standards. This success will help to set the highest standards of service performance, not just in the UK but also across the whole of the RCR Flooring Services division.” 

Monofloor, como grupo líder internacional en consultores de pavimentos industriales, acude este año a la feria Logistics & Distribution 2019.

Esta feria reúne a los principales actores del sector logístico y de la industria de la distribución, presentando las soluciones más innovadoras y las tendencias de la logística moderna. En este ámbito, Monofloor da un valor extra, y cada vez más necesario, al proceso de diseño y control de ejecución de los distintos pavimentos.

Nuevos conceptos, diseños y cálculos, que permiten mejorar y personalizar la solución del pavimento que cada cliente necesita. Supervisamos tu proyecto, desde su concepción hasta su ejecución y posterior seguimiento en el tiempo, para que tu pavimento se ajuste a los requerimientos que se necesite en cada caso particular.

Monofloor también ofrece sus conocimientos y experiencia de más de 25 años, para investigaciones de patologías de pavimentos existentes, tanto para el estudio de sus causas como las diferentes propuestas de reparación que pueden dar una segunda vida al pavimento.

Por tanto, Monofloor es la consultoría que te acompañará durante todo el ciclo de vida del pavimento, y te asesorará en la fase que necesites.

Jueves, 28 Febrero 2019 15:47

MONOFLOOR is exhibiting in Paris

For the third consecutive year, MONOFLOOR is exhibiting from March 26th to March 28th, 2019 at the SITL. This Transport & Logistics exhibition, specialized in supply chain and supply chain solutions for industry and retail, is expecting over 30 000 visitors for this new edition.

We will be sharing the stand with PERMANEO, the company of the RCR Industrial Flooring Group specializes in diagnostics, counselling, maintenance, repair and renovation for concrete floors.

Indeed, both entities from the Group are very complementary and work closely together on technical issues.

The stand will introduce all the services with samples showing what damages the floors can suffer from and the solutions we are offering, particularly the PERMABAN Signature AR system for joints repair and the RCR DRT system, for Diamond Rotary Technology.


Let us meet at the M68 stand at Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles !