Case Studies
Cash IFA
Valladolid, Spain
- Industry Retail
- Building Retail warehouse
- Main Contractor Hermanos Mallon
- Flooring Application
Rinol Rocland Suesco
- Floor Size 3300 m2
- RCR Products
Rinol Qualitop Millenium Light Grey
- RCR Flooring Services Involvement
Monofloor Spain - Design & Planning
- Date of Completion April 2014
Panama, Panama
- Industry Logistics
- Building Warehouse/distribution centre
- Flooring Application
Rinol Panama
- Floor Size 6385.32 sqm
- Partners Involved
Rinol Pisocreto, Colombia
- RCR Products
Rocland Millenium Qualitop wet on wet, 12 kg / m2.
Permaban Signature, with semi-rigid epoxy grey joint filler.
Bekaert 3D Dramix 80 / 60BG 30 kg / m3
- RCR Flooring Services Involvement
Monofloor Espana
ProPiso, Costa Rica (flatness measuring)
- Date of Completion December 2014
- Technical Notes
Concrete floor of 230mm thick for area distribution center. Strip construction 4.6m wide x 56m long. Longitudinal construction joints with dowels 10 mm plate spaced every 500 mm. Curing blanket, washed and polished surface. Flatness results aggregate FF 121.47; FL 91.23.
Santa Perpetua, nr Barcelona, Spain
- Industry Automotive manufacturing
- Building Warehouse
- Flooring Application
Rinol Rocland Suesco
- Floor Size 19200 sqm
- RCR Systems
- RCR Products
Permaban AlphaJoint 4010 Classic armoured joint
Rocland Qualidur dry-shake hardener gray natural (7 kg / m²)
Rocland Qualidur HP dry-shake hardener gray natural (14 kg / m²)
Bekaert Dramix 3D fibres 3D 65/60 BG: (30/35 kg / m³)
- RCR Flooring Services Involvement
Monofloor - controlling flatness
- Technical Notes
Three zones; one with high flatness according to DIN 15188; the second with Ff25 and Fl20 flatness according to TR34; the third with FM2 Special flatness according to TR34. Concrete thickness 22cms, steel fibre reinforced. Concrete: HA-25 (cement: 315 kg / m³).